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发布日期:2019-10-16 作者: 点击:


Mowing the lawn is not just a matter of pushing the lawn mower to cut it. In lawn mowing, we should first observe the growth of lawn and the situation of pests and diseases, and then make a plan of how to mow the lawn.


[1] Principles of lawn mowing 


永盈The principle of 1/3 should be mastered in lawn mowing. The higher-growing lawn should be mowed in different stages, not at the required height at one time. Cut 1/3 of the leaves or height each time to make the lawn have normal photosynthesis. If the turf is cut to the required height at one time, the ability of assimilation products will be reduced, and the turf will degrade or even die easily.


永盈[2] Moderate elevation and pruning of Wangcao 


永盈When the lawn grows too fast, the height of the lawn should be adjusted as high as possible. After trimming, the height of the lawn should be adjusted to the normal height after 3-5 days, so that the mature leaves can be buffered and trimmed. This will prevent the lawn from being damaged by light, which is what we call sunburn. Because the lawn grows too high, the grass stems below adapt to the shady environment for a long time, and cut too low, they are completely exposed to light, which is very easy to cause burns. 



永盈[3] The pruning frequency should not be too high or too long, but should be determined. 


永盈The frequency of lawn grass mowing depends on the growth rate of lawn grass. Some grasses grow fast and need to be pruned diligently. Others grow slowly and the number of times of pruning will be reduced. For example, the pruning frequency is relatively low, while the pruning frequency is frequent for canine root and carpet grass. Festuca arundinacea and Festuca arundinacea were pruned less frequently. Of course, this is not certain. If nitrogen fertilizer is applied adequately, it will grow fast and prune regularly. In addition, warm-season lawn mowing is relatively frequent in summer, while cold-season lawn mowing is relatively frequent in autumn.


永盈[4] There is a certain relationship between mowing and water content of lawn. 


永盈[4] There is a certain relationship between turf mowing and water content. Under the suitable water management condition, the more irrigation, the more frequent the lawn mowing. Conversely, under drought conditions, the lawn grows slowly, and the number of times of pruning is less. Do not prune the soil when it has just been irrigated or when it is wet.


永盈[5] Treatment of pruned grass scraps 


永盈The grass debris after lawn mowing should be cleared out in time. Although grass scraps can provide nutrition for lawn, they are not conducive to the ventilation and illumination of lawn, and can easily weaken the growth of lawn and cause diseases. If grass scraps need to be returned to the lawn, they should be decomposed and then properly sprinkled into the lawn. 


